… to the SnapDragons Website

Greetings.  This is the website for the Cincinnati SnapDragons.  The SnapDragons is a social enterprise dedicated to improving the lives of Special Needs children and adults through participation in adapted sports programs.  We run programs in Baseball, Basketball, and Cheer.  We also sponsor teams in other similarly focuses groups (Cincy Top Soccer, Special Olympics, etc.)


For more information, reach out to us at snapdragonscincy@outlook.com.

Quick Links: 

  • Schedule:  View the current version of the Schedule.
  • Registrations:  Registrations are currently closed.  
  • Donate: Use a credit/debit card or your PayPal account to donate to the SnapDragons.



Lots of news…

  • The schedule has been updated and there are changes starting this weekend.
  • We have done 2 recent fundraisers and they have been highly successful.  Thanks for your continued support of the SnapDragons.
  • We are beginning to organize for baseball.  Watch for further news.
  • The Gray Dragons (GRAY ONLY) will be playing an exhibition game at Batavia High School on Saturday, March 1st.  Some of the Gray Dragons are Batavia Alum and 2 were managers for the team.  We always have a great time at this event.


Game on Tomorrow: Hope everyone can make it.

We have a fundraiser on Monday night, 1/13, at Mio’s restaurant.  See the Basketball Page for more info.  >>Click here<< to download a printable copy.


Happy New Year, everyone! 

We have updated our schedule.  See the schedule page for the lastest version and a link to a downloadable copy. 

Second, there is a fund-raiser scheduled for Monday, January 13th.  It will be held at the Mio’s Restaurant in Mt. Washington.  You can dine in or carry out.  Just tell your server you are with the SnapDragons.  A portion of the cost of your meal is donated to our organization.  


We have an updated schedule posted.  See the schedule page for the lastest version.  There is one game this weekend: the White Dragons play the Wizards at 6:00.


Back to the court this Sunday, 12/8.  We sent a schedule for the day via the texting service.  The Schedule Page here is up to date: click the link above.

Many of our families have asked how they can donate to SnapDragons.  Note the addition of a Donate link in the Quick Links above.  Use this link to Donate to the Snapdragons using PayPal or your credit/debit card.  


Our schedule has been updated and covers through the end of December.  Visit the Schedule link above.


Happy Veterans Day!  Thanks to all SnapDragons family members who have served.  Thanks for being Snapdragons!

Great start to the season yesterday.  Looked like everyone was having a good time. The schedule for next week remains the same.  If anyone is having registration issues, please email me (Jim Conrady) and we will set up a time to walk through it.



  • Basketball starts this Sunday.  See the basketball page for a schedule of gym time. 
  • If you have not registered yet, please do so.  We will be ordering uniforms next week. 



  • If you have not turned in your uniforms yet (I only have half of them), please turn them in at one of the following events (read on!).
  • We have planned our end of year Soccer parties for the 14th and 15th of November, next Thursday and Friday.  On Thursday, 11/14, the Wings players will have their party.  On Friday, 11/15, the other teams (Dribblers/Shooters and Kickers) will have their party.  We had to split up again this year as we have too many players to fit in one sitting.
  • Once again this year our party will be at the LaRosa’s Restaurant in Eastgate.  LaRosa’s is next to Jungle Jim’s in the same building.  4450 Eastgate Blvd. is the address.  We will start at 6:30 PM both nights.  In addition to Pizza, we will be handing out trophies to our athletes.
  • If you cannot make your “assigned” night, feel free to join in on the alternate night.
  • I believe Mary will be there with any pictures that have not been picked up.


  • Our last game is tomorrow.  4:00, in Mason.  It is Trick or Treat day!  Plan to bring home lots of goodies. 
  • Please bring your uniforms tomorrow.  Please have them washed and in a plastic bag with your name on it.
  • Pictures will be available for pickup tomorrow as well.  
  • We are planning end of year parties for the teams within the next couple weeks.  Uniforms can be dropped off, and pictures picked up at the event as well.
  • Registrations remain open for Snapdragons basketball.  See the quick link above.  There is more info on the Basketball Page.


  • Friday night is our regular practice.  We will start at 6:30 as it is getting dark earlier.  We will be taking pictures, so wear your uniforms if possible.  
  • Sunday our game is on the west side.  The West Side location is different this year.  We will be playing at the TFA Harrison Soccer Complex (TSC).   The directions are in the TopSoccer Schedule link above, and I have repeated them here.

    The address is 26299 S. State Street, West Harrison, IN 47060.  Please do not let the Indiana thing bother you: the complex is just yards into Indiana.  

    Directions:  Take I-275 west to I-74 west stay on I-74 West to Exit #3 (Dry Fork Rd).  Turn left onto Dry Fork and then right onto Simonson (after 2 traffic lights).  Simonson dead-ends into Kilby where you turn Left and after 200 yards turn right onto Campbell Rd.  Campbell Rd. dead-ends into Stateline Rd where you turn right and then about 100 feet turn left into the complex. 

    Here is a google maps link to the location:  https://maps.app.goo.gl/29sQgKyeSH4H5f8V6

  • Registrations remain open for Snapdragons basketball.  See the quick link above.  There is more info on the Basketball Page.

Thanks for being Snapdragons!


  • The Fall Classic is Saturday, September 28th.  You have already received an email about this from CincyTopSoccer. The event will be held rain or shine.  Contingency Plans are being worked out if the weather does not cooperate.  Hope everyone can make it.
  • Registrations are now open for Snapdragons basketball.  See the quick link above.  Our registration system is the same as last year.  If you do not remember your password, follow the prompts to reset it.  All of the parent, player, and other data should be there from last year.   We had to create a fake email for some contacts last year.  If you want to fix those, email jimconrady@hotmail.com and I will try to address them.  The root cause of the problem last year has been fixed.  There is more info on the Basketball Page.

Thanks for being Snapdragons!


Lots of Updates:
  • Today, 9/22, we are in Mason.  We will be conducting a “skills challenge”.  This is a great day for the younger players, and many of the older players will team up to do some small-sided games: 4 on 4, 5 on 5, etc.  They get really interesting.  
  • The final Soccer schedule is posted here:  TopSoccer Schedule
  • Basketball registrations are now open.  You will find more details in your email.  The Registration Link is here: your username/password from last year should still work.
Repeat Reminder: The Fall Classic is Saturday, September 28th.  You have already received an email about this from CincyTopSoccer.  More info will be available here and on the TopSoccer Website soon.


What a great turnout for our first home games this past weekend!  It looked like everyone had a great time.
  • Next week we play in Mason.  We will be conducting a “skills challenge”.  This is a great day for the younger players, and many of the older players will team up to do some small-sided games: 4 on 4, 5 on 5, etc.  They get really interesting.  
  • There is a final schedule created, but it is not posted yet.  As soon as it is, I will put the link in here.
Reminder: The Fall Classic is Saturday, September 28th.  You have already received an email about this from CincyTopSoccer.  More info will be available here and on the TopSoccer Website soon.


Questions?  email us at snapdragonscincy@outlook.com


For this weekend…
  • Practice on Friday, 9/6.  We will be issuing uniforms for the year.  There is a chance of rain Friday evening.  Watch your email and messages for updates.
  • The full year schedule is not set yet, but our first game is this Sunday in Mason.  We play at the Hope Church in Mason.  See the TopSoccer web site for more details.  The games will start at 4:00.  As this is the first day, try to get there by 3:45 at the latest so we can get organized.
  • Reminder: The Fall Classic is Saturday, September 28th.

Questions?  email us at snapdragonscincy@outlook.com


A little more detail for our soccer season.
  • Here is the player registration link.  GotSport
  • Practice begins Friday, August 23rd.  Waldron Soccer Complex/Cincinnati United Fields, 1447 Clough Pike, Batavia, OH 45103.  It is at the SE corner of Clough and Amelia Ollive Branch Rd.
  • Practice time is 6:45.  We may move it back to 6:30 later in the year as it gets darker.
  • Our first game is Sunday, Sept. 8th.  The Fall Classic is Saturday, September 28th.

Questions?  email us at snapdragonscincy@outlook.com


SNAPDragons Notice of Annual Meeting and Request for Board Members

We just emailed a notice for our Annual Group Meeting scheduled for Saturday, August 31, 2024, 9:30am at the Anderson Township government building.  All are welcomed.  In addition to our regular meeting, we will be electing members to serve on the Board, starting September through August, 2025.

Check your email.  If you would like further information, email us at snapdragonscincy@outlook.com. 

Soccer Registrations are open.  If you would like to participate, please register (link below) on the Cincy Top Soccer site.  We are using a new registration system (called GotSport) for Top Soccer, so you will need to create an ID and they register you player(s).  If applicable, you can also register as coaches.  We will begin practice on August 23rd, and our first game will be early September.  We play through late October.

Here is the registration link:  GotSport

Our Baseball season concluded on 7/31.  We battled wet weather and hot weather but had a good season.  We are already making plans for next year.  If any of the families have input on what we could to better, send them to us at your convenience.